A fundamental aspect of St Michael’s is our concern for each and every student’s wellbeing.
Our staff care deeply about our students and support them to be thriving, happy children who are encouraged to reach their full potential. Every staff member is responsible for student wellbeing, and all are trained to deliver pastoral care to enhance a student’s wellbeing.
Our student’s wellbeing is fostered in an environment that is safe, supportive and inclusive, and where partnerships with our families, congregation and the broader community are nurtured.

Wellbeing Room
St Michael’s has a dedicated wellbeing room that provides a calm space for students to take scheduled breaks, or a quiet place to reset their “engines” as required. The room has an external garden which is another peaceful space to assist students to self-regulate.
Wellbeing Dog
Several times a week our school wellbeing dog, Raz, visits to spread joy and calm. He is an important member of our wellbeing team and a sought after “teacher” when students require assistance to regulate themselves.
School Chaplain/Diverse Learning Coordinator
The Diverse Learning Coordinator fills the role of School Chaplain and is responsible for planning wellbeing experiences that support our students and develop their social skills.
The Coordinator organises activities to educate students in self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, relationship skills and responsible decision making. Students are encouraged to develop their understanding of themselves as learners and identify and practice strategies to maximise their sense of wellbeing.
You can contact the school’s Diverse Learning Coordinator, Georgia Pope, by email at gpope@stmichaels.sa.edu.au.
Pastoral Care
Religious pastoral care is offered to students on a voluntary basis and is another wellbeing activity offered at St Michael’s.
Pastoral care is a crucial part of St Michael’s culture. We make sure we look after and care for everyone within our community.

Behaviour Management
We work hard to create a positive and safe environment for our students. Our wellbeing program works with our behaviour management process to develop respectful relationships and restore broken ones.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the motivation we use for encouraging and developing healthy relationships in our community. God’s love and forgiveness, and an emphasis on reconciliation is the foundation for our behaviour management process.
Using restorative processes, we guide children to consider peaceful ways of resolving conflict and support them to develop empathy toward others. Families are encouraged to be involved in this process and to support learning.
When responding to challenging behaviour, we consider the needs of individual students, but also the learning, wellbeing and safety of others. We assist our students and their families to work with health professionals for learning and wellbeing needs.
St Michael’s strives to create an environment of mutual respect for all. As an International Baccalaureate school we want to develop young people who are interested in helping create a better and more peaceful world.
St Michael’s takes a proactive approach to bullying, providing education to our students and promoting a culture of respect across the school.
Any incidents of bullying – whether physical, verbal, social, psychological or cyber - are taken very seriously, and are investigated and addressed through the school’s restorative process.